In This Tutorial We'll Show You...

  • How to help a couple change
  • 5 common challenges that mentors face and techniques to help
  • How to apply the 5 stage process of change
  • 3 D's of pre-decision
  • How to recognize pre-decision vs. post decision
  • 9 common techniques to help a couple
  • 5 types of questions
  • When to use which techniques
  • When giving advice is dangerous
  • 4 post decision techniques


Michelle & Phil Carlson

Michelle & Phil Carlson are co-founders of Connected Marriage. They are experienced marriage mentors and marriage educators. They are passionate about raising up new mentors and helping couples!

" I have trained over 2,000 pastors and facilitators on how to coach and mentor marriages. I like the Connected Marriage material."

Luke Nelson, Market Development Director 

" I highly recommend this tool to counselors, professors, pastors, and lay counselors."

Ava Oleson, M.S., MFT, D.Min., Associate Professor
The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

"The Marriage Mentoring materials which they have created are superb."

Kevin Hoffman, D.Min, Pastor
Dayton Vineyard Church